Child Find
Child Find Frequently Asked Questions
Child Find refers to the federal requirement under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that all children in need of special education services are identified, located and evaluated. Schools are responsible for conducting Child Find and identifying all IDEA-eligible students that reside in their jurisdiction. Child Find is not a passive activity, but rather an active process.
Children with disabilities from birth through age 21 are covered. This includes children who are being homeschooled or who are in private school.
Anyone can start the process: a parent/guardian, doctor, teacher, relative or friend can call their local school district Child Find. If you are concerned about a child’s learning, contact your local school campus, district, or charter school.
Please contact the special education department at your child’s school. Special education and related services are available to all eligible individuals ages three through 21 years of age.
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) agencies provide services to children ages from birth to their third birthday for learning, speech, behavior, or other delays. Your child’s school and ECI agencies provide services for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, have visual impairments, and/or have deaf blindness. To find your local ECI, click here.
All services provided by schools through IDEA are at no cost to the individual or parents.
For more information, you can contact SPEDTex at 1-855-773-3839. They provide information and resources that can help you understand disabilities, your rights, and the school’s responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
Helpful Links
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Gather information about this statewide program that supports children birth up to age 3.
Discover resources available for young children birth to age 5.
Gather information that can help you understand the special education process.
Access resources that can help you learn more about special education.
View the basics of the special education process under IDEA.
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